High Cotton are generously donating a batch of ~1.050 wort on January 20th to be boiled on-site (or taken away if you really want I guess…). Wort will be ready at about 9 am or so. Bring your own burner and pot, hops and other additions.
This is going to be a fundraiser to help cover Extravaganza costs for renting their location for judging day. The cost is $20 per 5 gallon batch (so about 6.5 gallons wort). If you want to brew a double batch, just pay for two!
This could also be a good time to bring a newbie friend out and have them brew – I have a spare burner and 7.5 gallon pot I can loan for the day. Please note in the comments if you could also loan equipment, or would like to borrow some.